well, i just wanted to ask for everyone to keep their fingers crossed this weekend. . .
i've been very blessed and honored with being nominated for an Annie Award for Best Character Design on an Animated Television Series. the nomination is for Juniper Lee and i'm nominated with some really amazing other artists too. . .
Ben Balistreri – Danny Phantom “King Tuck” – Nickelodeon
Mike Kunkel -– The Life & Times of Juniper Lee “Party Monsters” – Cartoon Network Studios
Carlos Ramos – The X’s “Homebody” – Nickelodeon
Eric Robles – The X’s “You Only Sneeze Twice” – Nickelodeon
so the awards are on Sunday night. fancy-shmancy evening attire and all the hoopla. i'm excited to go and very excited for everyone that has been nominated for the evening. it's a great feeling to be included with so many talented people.
so much talent in this industry, its nice to be reminded of everyone that is out there that is working so hard to entertain the world with cartooooons. :)
thanks to all that voted and i'll let everyone know on monday how it went!
also . . . here are a few samples from the episode that i was nominated for.
p.s. and if you want to visit and learn more about the Annies, here's the link to the annie awards :

Just amazing! Awesome stuff Mike and congrats on the nomination! All very exciting stuff. Don't want to gush but the designs are too cool, so fluid and each one different. Sa-weet.
i'm SO excited! i already told you you'd be winning, so, it's just a matter of hours now! :)
have FUN and post some pics of you in your fancy duds, holding your award of course ;)
Great drawings and good luck!
I'm with Alikins on this one - post the photos of you in your fancy duds, accepting the award. I mean... if you can't invite your own mother, you may as well post the photos!
...with all these great art previews, it's not too hard to imagine what that coffee table sized "Art of Juniper Lee" book is going to contain!!
I am so proud of you!!!
best of luck!
Oh, I'm so proud of my little boy!
Congratulations Mike...!!
Although you put out so few
things, they are ALWAYS award
winning !!!!!! (How's that
for a backhanded compliment ;) )
John H.
YAY!!! :) Congratulations!!
. . . now, where are those pictures??? ;)
Damn mike!!! great work.
Hey Mike,
One more question, sorry. Do you clean and color your own work or is it done by somebody else?
AMAZING work. Wow.
Awesome! you're a nice artist. I want to draw like that.
The times and life of Juniper Lee: one of the BEST shows of Cartoon Network!!!
If you have time, visit my blog I have some juniper lee stuff.
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