well, the family and i had a chance to sneak down to San Diego Comic Con last week and visit with some friends and have an important meeting or two.
very cool.
i have to admit though, i very much miss having a booth and getting to visit more with fans and friends. i can honestly do without all the hollywood hoopla, i just enjoy a con with fans and readers and other creators, and the excitment that all the books bring.
now, the con is usually a big blur to me, so please forgive me if i can't remember everyone, but there were a number of new and old friends/creators that i was especially thankful to run into and visit and meet and on occasion hang with in person at the con . . . art baltazar, bobby chiu, david colman, stephen silver, courtney huddleston, scott zirkel, scott sava, mike bullock, kevin grevioux, pascal campion, donnachada daly, christian slade, chris sanders, tony bancroft, jann jones, dan didio, jeph loeb, terry moore, tom beland, charles vess, and many more my brain has forgotten but that i am blessed and thankful to know.
it was fun and wonderful to see you all. :)
now back to work and seeing what the future holds.
hey, i had someone ask me about those darn "slivers" that snuck onto my blog there for a while.
was i gonna find anymore?
was i gonna explain 'em?
whoa, whoa, slow down, i said . . . then i quickly had to use the jedi mind trick and change the subject to something else of course...anyone ever been to Chicago Con? i hear goood things about it and i'm curious to see what it's about.
maybe this is a good year to learn more.

how's that for random?
well that's it for now.
more random thoughts and fun scribbles to be posted soon.
all the best,
mike . . .